19th January 2025

Search Quinton Parish Council

Quinton Parish Council Serving the people of Quinton

WI - Quinton

Quinton WI was originally formed in June 1946 and we offer a varied programme including topical and traditional talks, with several hands-on meetings where you may learn a new craft. We also meet for lunch once a month between meetings, go on outings and join in with Federation and local WIs for their events. As a small village, we are involved in the local community and are often asked to provide refreshments for the annual crowning of the May Queen - an event which has records going back over 60 years.

Our President Val Core

Our President Val Core

Quinton WI meets in Quinton Village Hall on the first Tuesday of the month at where a warm welcome awaits. For further details on meeting dates see "Stop Press"

Stop Press Link

During the height of the Pandemic we met twice a week via Zoom, sometimes with guest speakers, sometimes just for a chat. As we move out of lockdown, we are getting together in member's gardens or on the Village Green, strictly adhering to government guidelines.

Come and try us. For more information please contact our President Val by email on:- valcore@mail.com

Last updated: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 13:28