In March West Northamptonshire Council had launched a Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation: Responsible ownership of dogs and prohibition of smoking in certain places and asked you to help raise awareness amongst parish residents, clubs and organisations to encourage residents to have their say. Thank you for your support in doing this, the Council received a good response with nearly 1,300 people and organisations taking the time to complete the consultation questionnaire.
Those results have now been analysed and a Draft Order has been prepared which is attached for your reference.
The Draft Order will be taken to the next Cabinet meeting, 13th September 2022 where it's recommended that Members approve the Draft Order and that it is implemented across the former administrative areas of Daventry District and South Northants.
More information: https://www.westnorthants.gov.uk/community-safety-and-emergencies/public-spaces-protection-orders-pspos
Posted: Thu, 25 Aug 2022