19th January 2025

Search Quinton Parish Council

Quinton Parish Council Serving the people of Quinton

About Quinton


Quinton lies on a broad plateau of rich agricultural land about 7 kilometres south of Northampton. Apart from the late Norman Church of John the Baptist and the nearby former rectory there are only a handful of traditional stone cottages in the village. Historically this appears to be as a result of the village consisting of three separate parts; that of the existing village centred around the church, another small group of buildings at Glebe Farm to the north-west and other properties around Manor Farm to the south.

The clearest identity within the village is the group of local authority built properties fronting a small green and facing the church. The properties are semi detached houses or small terraces faced in both buff and red brick under brown concrete tile roofs. There is no distinctive front boundary treatment and parking is for the most part limited to the highway although there is a group of purpose built garages to the east. Along Preston Deanery Road are some of the traditional limestone buildings including the former bakehouse, all have seen significant remodelling this century. Other properties include a render faced bungalow and modern two storey residential infilling in buff brick with concrete roofing. The approach into the village from Preston Deanery appears relatively modern, and is emphasised by the tall close boarded timber fences flanking the highway.

School Lane comprises for the most part modern infilling, single and two storey properties set in spacious plots, some open plan others with substantial screening and mature trees fronting the road. A small group of 19th and 20th century stone and brick buildings stand at the north end of the lane. These include the red brick and slate former school and school house, a pair of traditional stone cottages, faced in pale buff limestone with red clay plain tile roofs standing to the back edge of the footway and a further pair of stone and render houses with slate roofs, again built on the edge of the footway.

The tree planting in front of the Church and former rectory provide an attractive setting to the two buildings from Preston Deanery Road, although historically a hollow way ran past the church to the south and onto Glebe Farm. The Beech hedge and metal fence with bespoke design gates in front of the former rectory provides a simple and effective enclosure to the street.

Historical Monuments

For an inventory of the historical monuments around the village of Quinton including Prehistoric, Roman, Medieval and later periods look at the British History Online website.

Planning Background

Quinton is identified as a 'restricted infill village' in the South Northamptonshire Local Plan, as are the majority of the other villages in the District. The residential policies make provision for appropriate small scale infilling within the village confines.

There are only two listed buildings in the village, the church and former rectory, although the Manor and Manor Cottage to the south off the Hartwell Road are also listed. There is a site of archaeological interest lying to the south of Courteenhall Road and Hartwell Road.

Future Development

• The modern properties along School Lane and the local authority built housing off Preston Deanery Road have tended to produce their own identity areas, and the remaining parts of the village have a mixture of old and new properties.
• Coursed random limestone is the most traditional facing with slate or plain tile roofs, red brick and slate is also prominent along School Lane as well as buff brick and brown concrete tile.
• New development should be relative to its surroundings and the design, scale, position and materials proposed will need to be carefully considered in such a small village.

"Toward a history of Quinton" - compiled by Rev'd Don Scholey, July 1986

Last updated: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 18:20